
Maharishi E-Gyan Editorial

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji, the most dedicated disciple to Shri Guru Dev Brahmaleen Swami Brahmanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Jyotishpeeth, Badrikashram, Himalayas, was widely regarded as the Foremost Scientist in the field of consciousness, and is established to be the greatest teacher in the world history.

Maharishi Ji has completely restored thousands of years old scattered Vedic Literature for the total significance of its theory and practice and has organized it in the form of a complete science of consciousness. Maharishi’s Vedic Science and Technology unfolds the full potential of Natural Law in human consciousness, which is the basic intelligence, handling all areas of life.

Over the past fifty five years, Maharishi Ji has established a worldwide movement in over 100 countries offering the knowledge and practical programmes of Maharishi Vedic Science in all areas of life. Maharishi Ji has founded thousands of organizations and institutions to bring the light of Vedic wisdom throughout the world. These organizations and institutions include: Maharishi Vedic Universities, Maharishi Ayurved Universities, Maharishi Universities of Management and Technology, Vedic Vidyapeeth, Schools, Colleges and Institutes, Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health Care centers and Transcendental Meditation centers.

Millions of people in all parts of the world and from all walks of life practice Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation. 40,000 teachers of the Transcendental Meditation have been trained so far and more are continuing to be trained. In addition, approximately 500,000 people have learnt Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Programme including ‘Yogic Flying’.

In October 2001 Maharishi Ji has established the Global Country of World Peace-Maharishi Vedic Vishwa Shanti Rashtra, a country without borders to bring the nourishing support of Natural Law to every government and every individual on earth. An important aspect of the Global Country of World Peace is the Raam Mudra, a global development currency, which is issued to eliminate poverty and usher in a new era of affluence and peace for whole humanity for all time to come.

Maharishi Ji had also planned establishment of 3000 Peace Palaces-Capitals of Global Administration through Natural Law-Capitals of Maharishi Vishwa Vyapi Ram Rajya in major cities of 108 countries. In India Maharishi Ji has founded hundreds of educational institutions, which are imparting Vedic education to over 1,00,000 students and offering Consciousness based Education as essential part of school, college and university curriculum to over 1,50,000 students.

This E-Gyan Monthly Digital Newsletter is dedicated to the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev His divinity Brahmaleen Swami Brahmanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Jyotishpeeth, Badrikashram, Himalayas & Param Pujya Maharishi Ji.

With deepest gratitude, we bow down again & again in the lotus feet of Shri Guru Dev & Maharishi Ji who perpetually continue to bless the whole World.

Jai Guru Dev, Jai Maharishi
V. R. Khare

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